Social Work(Bilingual)
课程编码:23A08021 学分:2.0 课程类别:专业任选课
计划学时:32 其中讲课:32 实验或实践:0 上机:0
Louise C.Johnson,Social Work Practice: a general approach,Allyn &Bacon Press,2012
ChapterⅠ Five perspectives on social work practice 建议学时:2
[教学目的与要求] 通过本章学习,了解国外学术界对社会工作内涵的五种主要的观点。
[教学重点与难点] social work as a problem-solving process.
[授 课 方 法] 课堂讲授与自我称述结合。
[授 课 内 容]
SectionⅠ Social work and social work practice
1.What is social work?
2.What is social work practice?
Section Ⅱ Five perspectives on social work practice
1. social work as a response to need.
2. social work as a developing profession.
3. social work as a creative blending of knowledge ,values, and skills.
4. social work as a problem-solving process.
5. social work as intervention into human transaction
ChapterⅡ The generalist social work process 建议学时:10
[教学目的与要求] 了解社会工作过程的首要任务,执行过程和结案过程。掌握每个阶段的主要工作内容和工作方法;充分了解影响方案实施的各种因素,同时熟练把握整个工作流程。
[教学重点与难点] transactional assessment,components of a plan.
SectionⅠ Assessmentas the first step
1.the content of assessment phase.
2.the use of the problem-solving process in assessment.
3.transactional assessment.
4.needs assessment
SectionⅡ Planning
1. components of a plan.
2. planning with multiperson client systems.
3. factors affecting a plan of action.
4. agreement between worker and client.
Section Ⅲ Action
1.action taken to enable development of relationships .
2. action taken to enable development of understanding of persons in situations.
3. action taken in the planning process.
4. action taken to enable the client to know and use resources available.
5. action that empowers clients.
Section Ⅳ Other phase in the generalist social work service process
3.the whole process
ChapterⅢ Western social work practice Ⅰ 建议学时:4
[教学目的与要求] 通过本章节的学习,了解西方国家社会一线实务领域的主要路径和方法(主要领域是儿童与家庭社会工作和残障社会工作),掌握重要的专业术语。
[教学重点与难点] the importance of lifebook for the children in foster care.
[授 课 方 法] 课堂讲授与体验结合。
SectionⅠ Social Work With Children and Families
1.The Power of Lifebooks
2.Social Work and Fathers: Child Support and Fathering Programs
SectionⅡ Social work for disabled people
1.social acceptance among students with learning disabilities
2.Parental Experiences of Children's Disabilities and Special Education in the United States and Japan:
Implications for School Social Work
ChapterⅣ Western social work practice Ⅱ 建议学时:4
[教学目的与要求] 通过本章节的学习,了解西方国家社会一线实务领域的主要路径和方法(主要领域是老年社会工作和青少年社会工作),掌握重要的专业术语。
[教学重点与难点] English diary, the methods of social work with young people in western country.
[授 课 方 法]课堂讲授与体验课结合。
SectionⅠ gerontological Social work
1.A Supporting Role in Elder Care
2.Social Work With the Older People of Tomorrow: Restoring the Person-in-Situation
SectionⅡ Social Work with Young People
1.Diary of a Substance Misuse Social Worker in Child and Adolescent Mental Health
2.The Many Layers of Social Support: Capturing the Voices of Young People with Spina Bifida and
Their Parents
ChapterⅤ Western social work practiceⅢ 建议学时:4
[教学重点与难点] medical social work.
[授 课 方 法] 课堂讲授。
SectionⅠ School Social work
1.School Social Work Models
2.Elements of School Social Work Services
SectionⅡ Medical Social Work
1.A Longitudinal Look at Social Work Leadership in Hospitals: The Impact of a Changing Health Care System
2.Do social workers need some medical training
ChapterⅥ The value of social workers 建议学时:4
[教学目的与要求] 熟悉美国社会工作协会所颁布的有关社会工作者的职业价值观,结合学生实践中的困惑学习社会工作者在本土实践过程中所融合的价值伦理。
[教学重点与难点] purpose of the NASW Code of Ethics.
[授 课 方 法] 课堂讲授与讨论课结合。
2.purpose of the NASW Code of Ethics
ChapterⅦ Ethical principle 建议学时:4
[教学目的与要求] 本章主要学习社会工作价值伦理,也是社会工作本土化一个需要不断强化和接纳的内容,学生主要从西方社会工作实践者身上学习西方社会工作价值伦理的相关知识。
[教学重点与难点] social justice , dignity and worth of the person.
2.social justice
3.dignity and worth of the person
4.importance of human relationships
撰稿人:许淑华 审核人:赵宝爱
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